Monday, July 29, 2013

He Fulfills My Desires

Yet another week has already gone by and we are now in the last week of summer camp! It is hard to believe how quickly things are going. God hasn't ceased to amaze me in the ways he chooses to reveal himself to me. He is giving me things that I didn't even know I needed--like a lot of solitude with him that I would have never gotten at home. In this solitude he has been teaching me more about myself, convicting me, and revealing how great He is. 

Have you ever thought about the pleasures that you get from your senses? The joy you get from tasting your favorite food, smelling a beautiful fragrance, hearing a perfect song or the voice of a loved one? The joy you get from feeling the touch of a gentle breeze when the sun is blistering, or seeing a beautiful sunset? All of these senses, and desires to touch, taste, see, feel, and hear different things all were created by God. They often give us indescribable emotions. Just one smell can make us feel excited, relaxed, or happy. Isn't that an amazing way that God designed us? He wants us to have joy and gave us those desires so that we may have joy through them. I think that is pretty awesome. It also gives me the opportunity to praise Him all throughout my day, every time I get pleasure from one of these senses, because it came from Him. 

What an awesome God I serve! 

Another way I feel this joy is through SEEING the kids at camp learn more about their savior and HEARING them answer questions and LISTENING to them sing songs about Jesus. This past week we studied the story of Jesus calming the storm and the kids got to dramatize the story. The older ones did the acting while the littler ones created the storm. It was a great way to experience the story and reflect on God's awesome power--enough to calm any storm. 


God has also given me extreme joy in getting to live with and share time with these amazing people. How could you not love faces like this?

I will end my post tonight with some more pictures...some of them silly...of this past weekend with my family here. We got to take Joseph and Adriana bowling for the first time and we had so much fun! I love seeing them try new things with joy and not get discouraged even if they aren't great at it! They are such a blessing to me.

Blessings to you and thanks for your love, prayers, and support.

"Take delight in the Lord,
      and he will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4 (NIV)

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